How did Peaks of Hope begin?

The seeds of Peaks of Hope began in Cincinnati, Ohio where Scott and Sue personally experienced renewal and enrichment in their own marriage as an overflow of Christ’s work. They are passionate to help others grow healthy and strong relationships. There Scott and Sue developed, managed, and executed learning and development classes for their church to equip individuals, couples and families with practical tools and proven strategies. These tools and strategies strengthened the participants capabilities in their personal relationships.   


Scott and Sue were married in 1990 and they have three adult married children and eight grandchildren. Scott and Sue relocated to Cumberland County, Tennessee in 2016. They own Mountaineer Realty, a Real Estate Agency in Fairfield Glade; both are actively involved.  Scott is an adjunct faculty member in the business department of Ohio Christian University and Bethel University and serves on the Board of Trustees at Bethel University in Tennessee.   


Both Scott and Sue are affiliate staff with FamilyLife ministries. Since 2005 they have led Financial Peace, leadership development, individual and group discipleship as well as marriage enrichment classes. Their passion and focus since 2011 has been in the marriage lane and they have been deeply involved in Weekend to Remember volunteer teams and are trained to speak internationally at Weekend to Remember marriage conferences. Both have served as speakers/leaders/coaches for marriage enrichment through small groups, retreats, and conferences and are certified in Prepare/Enrich and SYMBIS marriage coaching. Scott is certified in Financial Peace and John Maxwell’s Leadership Team. Sue is certified in Transformation Prayer Ministry and holds an Interpreting degree in sign language.  


Following months of prayer about what to do with space that became available adjacent to their current business, the origins of Peaks of Hope began one day while Sue and Scott were hiking. The vision was to equip individuals to have healthy relationships through classes, coaching, mentoring and collaboration. God validated His vision as Scott and Sue shared it with others and Peaks of Hope will continue to evolve as Scott and Sue follow God's leading.